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Over 50 contributors answer all your questions ... from established reviewers and academics, award-winning sci-fi authors and lay writers alike who became catalysts for an incredible community of like Lost-lovers.

The Ending chapter has over 30 articles, opinions and insights to further titillate your perspective.

The Episode Guide is a definitive resource of over 350 articles with at least two reviews of each episode as well as synopses, tidbits and a comprehensive archive of intertextual references within each episode.

Other Chapters include;
- Cast and Characters which provides a perspective to the characters role in the overall drama … as well provide juicy titbits about the actors.
- Mythology includes articles on the Smoke Monster, DHARMA, the Frozen Donkey Wheel, and how religion was reflected on the series.
- Philosophy ranging from scholarly but accessible posts on the philosophy and philosophers referenced in the show, a post on the use of torture and a debate on 'fate' vs 'free will'.
- Structure includes discussions on the flashback/forward/sideways, the DHARMA stations, and a physicist's explanation of the science of time travel.
- Interviews with the showrunners and writers throughout the lifetime of the series.

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Woody Allen:
Reel to Real

Alex Sheremet presents one of the most thorough and
considered critiques on Woody Allen’s complete body of cinema work as well as the critical debates that surround it … but his text is only part of the full story.

Woody Allen: Reel to Real is the first DigiDialogue from Take2Publishing … a product and a process where the author inspires a discourse between
and amongst himself and his

Everyone has an opinion of Woody Allen, whether those opinions come from a learned perspective, or from the tabloids … and Sheremet's excitingly exhaustive analysis is the perfect fodder to generate and further this
unique form of dialogue

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film criticism … that
will inspire a younger generation of art
critics … "

Dan Schneider, founder of Cosmoetica

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“Excellent eBook”
Dan Owen
Dan's Media Digest

"Incredibly rich tome"
Joel Bocko
Lost In The Movies

“Congratulations to all concerned with this remarkable project”
Sam Juliano
Wonders In The Dark

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Take2 Publishing Store

Over 300 articles, reviews and features from;

Joseph McBride
Jonathan Rosenbaum
Matt Zoller Seitz
Tom Carson
James Berardinelli
plus over 60 further contributors comprising the best from the Web, Magazines, Books, Newspapers and more ...

- Including an extensive Film Review Guide

“... The most amazing thing for me is that every single person who sees a movie … brings a whole set of unique experiences. Now, through careful manipulation and good storytelling, you can get everybody to clap at the same time, to hopefully laugh at the same time, and to be afraid at the same time. But you can't get everybody to interpret the result in the same way. And that's thrilling to know — that everybody will see it differently.” - Steven Spielberg (in an interview with Anthony Breznican published in Entertainment Weekly, December 2, 2011)