Book Series

Each T2G is dedicated to a singular subject and collates the best writings already published into a definitive guide.

The curators and editors of the Guides will do the research within the published world to source, acquire and package the best and most relevant materials on the subject to be able to provide an insightful and entertaining resource that will be simple to use, peruse and enjoy.

On Sale

In Development
- Lost September 2015
- Woody Allen - Q1 2016
- Breaking Bad - Q2 2016

A DigiDialogue is a process and a product that results with a published eBook where the dialogue between the author and the audience becomes part of the final ‘copy’.

The process to develop a DigiDialogue involves two distinct elements. The first is an interactive online representation of an authors work designed to generate an on-line dialogue between the author and the participatory audience. The second element, the product, is a published eBook that incorporates the author’s full work as well as the dynamic discourse that was generated online from the author’s exerpts.

You, the ‘audience’ becomes part of the authoring and publishing process.


On Sale

Cities In Cinema

Cities are not just locations, but can be considered participants in cinema narratives; can one consider Woody Allen's Manhattan without immediately thinking about the hills, valleys and rythym of New York; can one consider Goddard's Breathless without the city of Paris taking one's breathe away; and can one truly consider Godzilla without the swathe of destruction that once was Tokyo.

Take2 Publishing will shine the cinema spotlight on key cities around the world.


In Development

- Shining a Spotlight on New York Q2 2016